Webinar „Staying On Top Despite New Challenges“

Poštovane koleginice i kolege, članice/ovi Inženjerske komore Crne Gore,


Od nasih prijatelja iz ADRIA SECURITY SUMMIT-a iz Bosne i Hercegovine, dobili smo poziv da svi vi koji ste eventualno zainteresovani, možete da prisustvujete ON-LINE Webinaru „Staying On Top Despite New Challenges“, ili u prevodu: „Ostati na vrhu, bez obzira na okolnosti“.


Webinar se održava u četvrtak, 21.05.2020.godine, sa pocetkom u 14,00 h.

Registracija za Webinar je besplatna i moguće je izvršiti putem linka: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UNVZQy1lSF-qtdQqiRVTOw


U nastavku imate tekst poziva koji je dostavljen na engleskom jeziku.


Zahvaljujem svima i srdačno vas pozdravjam.



Željko Maraš, dipl.ing.el.





The proclamation of pandemic found the markets unprepared. Companies were suddenly faced with a new challenge: how to adjust their business and overcome the crysis period. This has not missed the Adriatic region and has its effects on security industry.

The key for the companies was how to find the answer for new situation and move on. What is the response of the leading companies to the new circumstances is exactly the main theme of the new online forum organized by a&s Adria Magazine.
After the forum, which was organized two weeks ago, and in which leading people from countries in the region shared their insights into the market situation, now you have the chance to listen leaders from the leading security companies about what are the positive and negative effects of the pandemic on companies, whether they have launched new products or services and how it affected their businesses.

The initial (but not final) agenda is available here:

14:00 The Beginning: Introductory remarks made by the host
Presentation: Jacek Weglarz, Dahua Technology
Presentation: Myler Zhong, Hikvision
Presentation: Andrija Pušić, Špica 
Presentation: Dean Klobučar & Miroslav Čirić, Alarm Automatika
Presentation 5 (To be Confirmed)
Presentation 6 (To be Confirmed)
Presentation 7 (To be Confirmed)
Presentation  8 (To be Confirmed)

The online forum will be held on May 21st (Thursday) from 14:00 to 16:00.

You can register here:


For more information, feel free to contact us +387 (0)33 788 985


© Inženjerska Komora Crne Gore 2021